Wednesday, June 12, 2013

My Famous Breakfast Roll

Not to metaphorically "toot my own horn", but I thought I would share a recipe that I've become somewhat known for by friends and family who I cook breakfast for. This was one of my first ever pins on Pinterest, and it was so good, I have tweaked it and made a go-to for all occasions where breakfast is served...

Here's a link to the original pin

So, here are the ingredients:
Eggs, Scrambled (apprx. 12)
Bacon, Cooked (approx. 8 slices)
1 packages Crescent Rolls (Pillsbury preferred)
Shredded Cheddar Cheese (about 1/2 cup)

Here's what you do:
Scramble and season your eggs (my favorite is to season with some Tony's cajun seasoning while the eggs are scrambling in the skillet), cook and drain your bacon.
On a cookie sheet topped with a piece of parchment paper, unroll your crescent rolls and separate each roll, arrange them in a circle,  like a wreath with the widest ends in the center (sorry I didn't get a photo of this, but you can find great photos form the original pinner's site here )
They will overlap in the middle and leave about a 3 inch whole in the center.

Next, lay one piece of bacon on each crescent roll. Cover the center with your scrambled eggs and sprinkle with about about half of your cheese.  Next, take the narrow ends of your crescents and fold them toward in toward the center of your egg mix. This will make a somewhat enclosed wreath of tastiness- it should look like the pictures below.

Last, sprinkle the rest of the cheese on top of your wreath (you can add other toppings here like jalapenos for a spicy kick, parsley for some color etc.)

Pop this in an oven preheated to 375 degrees for about 14-17 mins checking often. (follow the cooking instructions on the crescent roll can) It is done when the rolls are golden brown and the cheese is gooey and melty (yes, those are real words when related to the melting of cheese).

This recipe never fails to impress (unless you cook it too long, or burn the bacon, or don't know how to scramble eggs...all of which I do not assume responsibility for. Please take those things up with your mother.)

Hope you enjoy!

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